Update #2: Production begins!
Production Begins!
The first step is to spin the cocoon. 😏
Bad puns aside, it’s actually true! Our manufacturer put a bulk material order through to their fabric mill. The mill will bind leather and spin thread, weaving it into bolts of fabric and other materials needed for the final product.
Once the manufacturer receives the materials, their sewists will begin the cut-and-sew process to assemble your bags.
Upcoming Updates
Production is the longest part of the process. There isn’t much for us to share between now and the end of production but we will send updates at the beginning of each month to remind you that we haven’t forgotten about you!
Next month’s update will come in the beginning of May and any major production-related updates will be issued as needed. If an unscheduled production update goes out we will forego the following monthly scheduled update to reduce redundancy and keep your inbox light and fluffy.
A friendly reminder that production is expected to be completed in early Q3 (July-ish) and will take time to arrive at our warehouse for fulfillment in Q4. You can view the estimated timeline in our pre-order launch blog.
A few other points
A reminder that orders can no longer be cancelled
We’re past the point of no return now. Hope you like your bag! xoxo
Address updates will be accepted until fulfillment begins
We’ll send you reminders before fulfillment begins but it’s always good to update your address sooner rather than later.